Exercising Modernity
We are part of the participants of the third edition of the Exercising Modernity Program, Polish-German-Israeli cooperation fostering intellectual and artistic exchange, will be devoted to the ways in which modernities across the world have envisioned the future. The program raises many questions: What kind of new world can art, design and architecture promise us today and help us to achieve? What can we learn from the 20th-century experiments today? Can a critical revision of their ideas serve as an inspiration for the solutions we now urgently need? Is it possible to learn from their mistakes and further develop what they have left unfinished? In these discussions, we will be guided by experts representing different perspectives and disciplines, including Zvi Efrat, Sharon Golan, Shira Levy-Binyamini, Marci Shore and Robert Jan van Pelt.During the Academy, we will encourage reflection through lectures, seminars, workshops and, in the second part, travelling.