Slanted Conference
Slanted Magazine #28 – Warsaw
In June 2016, the Slanted editors Lars Harmsen and Julia Kahl embarked on a two-week-trip to Warsaw, taking a close look on the contemporary design scene of Warsaw. They wanted to figure out what Polish design looks like today, asking how the young generation finds its place in society—in a capital which is constantly striding forward—a great opportunity and/or struggle, redefining own positions and thoughts.
On the occasion of the release of Slanted Magazine #28—Warsaw (, Slanted Blog Magazine and the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Fachbereich Design der Fachhochschule Dortmund) as well as the University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe (Kommunikationsdesign HfG Karlsruhe) organizied two one-day-conferences (15.11.2016 + 17.11.2016) focusing on the design scene of Warsaw. We held lectures in both locations focused on post noviki studio practice.
- Noviki lectures program:
- Tuesday, 15.11.2016
Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts
- Thursday, 17.11.2016
Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design